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Josh Owen, President of Ability Tri-Modal, Friday April 13th 2012

Ability Tri Modal occupys almost 500,000 SF of warehouse around the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.  Josh will be discussing the current state of transportation industry and what he is antcipating in the future.

Joshua Owen is President of Ability Tri-Modal Transportation Services, Inc., a third generation owned warehousing and trucking business.  Starting at an early age, Joshua has worked in various departments including dispatch routing, rates, safety, sales and business development. 

 Joshua actively serves in a variety of industry and community organizations, including California Trucking Association (CTA), American Trucking Association (ATA), Intermodal Motor Carriers Conference and ATA Political Action Committee, International Warehouse and Logistics Association, National Retail Federation, Turn Time Stakeholder Group, Long Beach Rotary, and the Elwyn Advisory Board. He is also on the Board of Directors at the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce and is the incoming Chair of Public Policy and the Government Affairs Council.  Joshua also currently serves on the CSULB Center of International Trade and Transportation’s (CITT) Policy and Steering Committee where he also teaches a class module on Truckload, LTL and Intermodal Transportation.

 Joshua holds a B.A. in Film Production from San Francisco State University and a Masters in International Logistics from the Georgia Institute of Technology.  He is married with two children. 

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    NFL is definitely a single of the biggest sports in America. It has a important following.
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